If you want to be a part of this effort to bring affordable - truly affordable - housing to Bloomington, you can…

Make a donation.

We have a vision. We have the land. We have the plans, the permits, the zoning. We have loan commitments and a contractor ready to go. We just need a some cash equity to make it all happen; $50,000 will begin construction.

If you can see this vision too, and want to play a part, make a donation to our building fund. We are a 501.c3, so it’s fully tax deductible.

Become a Community Collaborator

We have a vision.

If you share this vision for Bloomington; if you want affordable housing to remain affordable in perpetuity; if you want people to control their own housing and communities; then join with us.

Become a Community Collaborator with the Avalon Community Land Trust.

Learn More

Fine out more about Community Land Trusts: Click below to learn about how they work and how they benefit our community.